General Application
To apply for a spot in the program follow a simple 2-step procedure:
1. Enter parent information, name and email.
In the email subject box enter: new applicant or returning student.
2. In the message box add information about your child's age and grade level.
Math Competitions
We alternate our mini-course with Math Kangaroo preparation classes. Math Kangaroo is a nationwide contest for grades 1-12, offered annually on the third Thursday of March. The format of the contest in grades 1-4 is 24 questions given in the 75 minutes period of time. In grades 5 - 12, they give 30 questions in the same 75 minutes period. We encourage our students' participation in the competition. For more information and registration, please visit the Math Kangaroo’s web page.
Rules and Guidelines
1. Classes and levels placement.
Our placement is based on an assessment test's results, not on the grade level.
2. Classes and levels structure.
Students in good standing are moved together as a group. Each of our levels is a two-year program. Thus, students usually spend 2 years in BNP, Beginners 1, Beginner 2, etc. and then move on to next level.
3. Come on time
We strongly discourage joining our ZOOM meeting late. Untimely arrivals are very disruptive to the sessions.
4. Be prepared
Have a 3 ring binder dedicated to our program materials. You will be putting handouts and worksheets into the binder. Have scratch paper, pencils, pens and erasers ready. If asked by an instructor, bring additional supplies (such as compasses and rulers for geometry sessions; calculators, graph paper, etc.) Make your best effort in completing problems assigned for homework. If you have missed a session, be sure to work through it at home.