21st Century Math

21centurymath.com is a company that provides after-school mathematical training to math-inclined elementary and middle school students based on the materials developed by Dr. Gleizer for UCLA Olga Radko Endowed Math Circle (ORMC). Dr. Gleizer has developed a large part of the curriculum in collaboration with Dr. Radko who passed away in June 2020. High school lessons are available upon request as well.

Our mission

Our primary mission is to show that math is even more beautiful than it is useful.
Our secondary mission is to bridge the ever-widening gap between school and college. 

Elementary to High School

We currently focus on elementary and middle school courses. We also offer high school courses on demand.

The Craft of Thinking

We teach children to think. Math is just the most convenient playground. Thinking is a craft with its own skillset.  
see full document

Passion for Mathematics

We show our students that math is an ultimate art form, even more beautiful than music and poetry. 

Our impact

We teach our students mathematics that will eventually enable them to create and interact with artificial intelligence (AI), optimize investment portfolios, etc. However, this is not our main goal. Our main goal is to show that math is the highest form of entertainment. It is even more beautiful than it is useful!

Our classes

Our program covers all the levels from the 1st grade to the end of middle school in a carefully designed multi-layer way. We plan to extend our approach to high school classes in a few years from now. At this moment of time, high school classes are available on demand.

Starting in Summer 2023, we will feature a chess program.

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Our price and cancelation policy

We charge $30 an hour for 5 weeks in advance. A free trial lesson is available. If you like it, it's your first class. Tuition is charged on a 5-week basis. We prepare for each class. Tuition is not refundable if your child misses a class or stops attending. If we cancel a class on our side (which was never the case in the past), the payment for the missed class will be either refunded or prorated depending on the wishes of the families.

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between 21st Century Math program and other popular online programs in math education??

Every program has it's own genetics. The AoPS (Art of Problem Solving) program was started by winners of national math competitions. Its main focus is to raise the next generation of math competitions' winners. RSM (Russian School of Mathematics) was started by two immigrants from the Soviet Union, an engineer and a school teacher. The focus of this program is on teaching the time-honored standard 20th century Eastern European school math. Our program was designed by UCLA professors of mathematics, also immigrants from the Soviet Union. The roots of the program lie in the Easter European Math Circle movement pioneered by the Soviets. However, the program was further developed to prepare American children for success in the 21st century American college and beyond. We look past math competitions. Our aim is graduate and post-graduate education and research.

Who is the target audience of the 21CenturyMath?

 21CenturyMath enables students with a serious interest in mathematics to go much deeper and wider in their studies than the traditional school curriculum. Our students are typically among the strongest in their classroom and entire school. We have classes for all grade levels, K-12.ere.

What does "Modular approach" mean?

 Our study materials, from kindergarten to 12th grade, are organized in a system that prepares children for success in college and beyond. On the one hand, we build the knowledge of modern day mathematics layer by layer. On the other hand, it is the nature of our program that students come and go. This fact of life requires a modular approach to teaching. Our courses and quite often topics covered in the courses are independent of one another in the short run. In the long run however, they form the layered system mentioned above. There is one exception to this rule: the course  Breaking Numbers into Parts forms a single 2-year-long course for 1st and 2nd grade. This course cannot be broken into smaller independent modules.

Will there be homework?

It is very important that your child does our homework regularly and with due diligence. They may occasionally need parental help. Please encourage your children to spread the load evenly solving a problem a day and not leaving everything until the last moment. Failure to do homework may result in your child getting behind and losing interest in the course.

How can a parent help?

Parental participation is very important. Most often, children take our classes once a week. If a student does not reinforce the material covered in class at home, they would remember very little a week later. This is why each and every lesson in our courses is followed by homework. Parents are expected to encourage their children to do the homework throughout the week. It will help to evenly distribute the load so that a student does a bit of advanced math nearly every day. Active parental participation is required for a child’s success in all of our elementary and middle school courses! At the beginning of almost every homework, a child is asked to explain to their parents the main concept of the lesson covered in class. A parent listening with genuine interest, asking questions and occasionally playing a bit goofy is a huge motivator! Unless you are a STEM-area professional, be prepared to learn a lot of math with your child!

Do you give tests and quizzes?

Each major topic covered in a course is followed by a quiz. The purpose is to check how students have learned the material. If the quiz indicates that many students have a far-from-perfect understanding of some part of the curriculum, we will review the part. Practice shows that the feedback the quizzes give is invaluable! To ease the fear of testing some students may have, we  use the following approach. Before a quiz, we tell students that in our courses quizzes test not students, but teachers. If a student gets a low grade, it means that us teachers could do a better job. Then we ask students to come prepared and not to let us down! 

My child is doing math 2-3 years ahead of the regular school curriculum.
Should I apply for a higher level of 21CenturyMath?

No. The mathematical concepts studied at 21CenturyMath go well beyond the standard school curriculum. Most of our students are 2 - 4 years ahead of their school grade level. This in itself is not necessarily an indicator of how well they will be doing at 21CenturyMath. Please apply for the age-appropriate level. Your child will be moved up, if we determine through classroom observations that this is in the best interest of the student.

How can I determine what level of the 21CenturyMath my child should apply for?

 Please always apply for the suggested grade level, see page "Classes". If a student is admitted into the program, they will always start with the age-appropriate group. In rare cases, we move students one level up and sometimes even two levels up. This works best when it is initiated by the groups' instructors, following classroom observations. Please do not apply for a level that corresponds to a grade level higher than your child’s grade level at school.

My child was in the Beginner 1 group last year.
Will he be in the Beginner 2 next year?

Students in good standing are moved together as a group. Each of our levels is a two-year program. Students usually spend two years at the BNP Level, two years at the Beginners 1 level, two years at the Beginners 2 level, two years at the Intermediate 1 level, etc.

What is the meaning of the intricate figure on your logo?

This is a picture of a 3D projection of the most symmetric solid of all dimensions, a 4D polytope called 120-cell. Each of its one hundred and twenty 3D walls is a regular dodecahedron. 

Are there any holidays when 21CenturyMath does not meet?

Yes. Each semester, we skip a Sunday or two due to a long weekend:
Fall: we skip the Sundays of the Veterans Day and Thanksgiving weekends.
Spring: we skip the Sunday of the Memorial Day weekend.
We meet on all other Sundays that fall into our academic year calendar.


We have two children in the program in Eric's classes. Our youngest is in kindergarten and she is younger than the other students in her class, but Eric never puts her on the spot, while still always giving her a chance to engage when she can. In our older child's class, Eric always keeps the kids engaged with humor, patience, and a focus on understanding the underlying concept, whether or not you get the right answer. (Eric tells them he gets things wrong as much as they do, which is why he always has them check his work.) The material is completely different from what they learn in regular school -- more like the kinds of fundamental concepts you would learn in college math -- and I can only imagine how helpful it would have been for me if I could have gotten exposure to these concepts so early.

My son has joined this incredible math program at 21st Century Math since last fall and he loves it. I chose this program to support my son’s intuition and interest in mathematics and I’ve been fascinated by the unconventional approach that 21st Century Math math class promotes. It's impressive how teacher Eric’s class emphasizes comprehension over memorization or practice drills. Eric is very patient and actively engages students with math ideas by using intuitive examples and stimulates them to develop critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Instead of training to master a short term test, this class helps students build a life long foundation and understand ‘why’ deeply. This class is differentiated from other institutions in so many ways and we’re lucky to be part of it. I sincerely thank teacher Eric and 21st Century Math for such an awesome and unique program.

My 4th grade son became very motivated to master all his math facts after he started the math classes. The curriculum brings out the beauty of mathematics and shows students what fun they could have in learning it. The materials are challenging and encourage critical thinking. Class discussions are engaging and develop speaking skills as well. Students will be well prepared for advanced math studies and any analytical field with this curriculum. In addition, both me and my husband have fun thinking through the homework problems too. We highly recommend 21st Century Math classes!